I have a speed sheet that I update and save as html on a weekly bases. It has
several colums that are not used all the time. I would like to hide the
unused colums then save as html, but Ive tried the hide and when I save it it
only shows the last 2 colums on the sheet. the colums I want to hide are like
F,G,H N,O,P V,W,X AD,AE,AF, AL,AM,AN AT,AU,AV the last 2 colums are BA and BB.
When I open in excel I dont want the colums hidden just hidden in the saved
html file.
How do I make this happen.
several colums that are not used all the time. I would like to hide the
unused colums then save as html, but Ive tried the hide and when I save it it
only shows the last 2 colums on the sheet. the colums I want to hide are like
F,G,H N,O,P V,W,X AD,AE,AF, AL,AM,AN AT,AU,AV the last 2 colums are BA and BB.
When I open in excel I dont want the colums hidden just hidden in the saved
html file.
How do I make this happen.