Hiding Field Codes



I just inherited a rather large Word document (140+) pages that uses a table
of contents.

My question is how do I hide all the field codes that appear behind each
table of contents bookmark? The field codes appear in the body of the
document, not in the TOC.

Here's an example:

I. Introduction{ TC "1. Introduction" \f C \I "1" }

I have tried shift/F9 to hide the codes, but that doesn't work. Also, when
I place my cursor in the field area, the form field does not "gray" out as a
form field normally does.

What do I need to do to hide these TOC field codes?

Thanks in advance.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

XE and TC fields are formatted as Hidden text, so that's what you need to
hide. The Show/Hide ¶ button on the Standard toolbar will usually do this.


My show/hide button is always off, so I knew that wasn't it. :)

It is hidden text; it has the dotted line underneath it that characterizes
hidden text.

Any other suggestions are appreciated as I am still having the issue.

Charles Kenyon

Then you have hidden text set to display.
Tools > Options > View
The individual settings here will override your show/hide button.
Charles Kenyon

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Haha! I need to remember to check the good ol' Tools | Options menu before
asking questions. :)

This did the trick.

Thank you. :)


What about the field codes used for marking TOAs? I have tried both
techniques offered but am unable to hide the fields used to mark the
citations for a TOA. Thanks!


Never mind--I figured it out about two seconds after posting my comment. My

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