IBP tell me that I have too much javascript text on my pages and advises me
to "hide" the script by placing it in a file called something like
myscripts.js and then telling the page to find the script by adding <script
src="myscript.js"></script> to the page. Can someone advise my how this can
be done and what I have to place in the <head> and again in the <body> to get
this to work. I've tried but failed so far.
to "hide" the script by placing it in a file called something like
myscripts.js and then telling the page to find the script by adding <script
src="myscript.js"></script> to the page. Can someone advise my how this can
be done and what I have to place in the <head> and again in the <body> to get
this to work. I've tried but failed so far.