Hiding Page Breaks



Hiding page breaks in excel 2007 is now a painful multi-step process that
requires you to select the office button, hit "excel options," select the
"advanced" tab, and scroll down and search for the check box to deselect.

CAN MICROSOFT CREATE SOMETHING SIMPLER? There is an empty space in the
"Show/Hide" box under the VIEW tab. I think someone forgot to put the page
breaks toggle box here...

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
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I bet you didn't realise how efficient Microsoft can be !!!!!
Having read your post they have attached the following to your computer today!
To view, press Office button, select Excel Options, click on Customize,
select from - Choose command from:, scroll down (nearly half way) select
Insert or Remove Page Break, click Add >>, then OK.
What do you know, an icon that you can click on has appeared on the Quick
Access Toolbar.
Isn't Microsoft wonderful?
Hope this helps


Thanks Ron but i've seen that command on the customize list and it's not what
i'm looking for. I'm not trying to "remove" or "add" a page break. I'm
simply trying to hide/unhide from view when working in a spreadsheet. The
process of hiding/unhiding the page breaks is tedious and should have it's
own check box on the view pane.

Let me know if there is another solution but I think Microsoft fumbled the
ball on this one...


OK, understand where your coming from.
I guess then that one option is to create your own VBA macros with two buttons
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True to turn on page break and
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False to turn off.
Probably the best solution available for XL2007 at the moment!

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