I have a workbook with several sheets containing data organized in rows.
The sheets contain the ALL possible information that I would want to
see. But, most of the time I only want to see select rows.
I have tried to think of the best way to do this, and I am trying to
set it up as follows...
Menu page - contains about 5 combo boxes with "yes" or "no" in each.
Each box would be used to evaluate what range of data I want to see.
All other sheets - have a dedicated column (AA) that links to the
yes/no questions.
If on the first combo box I select "yes", then it will look for all
rows in column AA of sheets 2, 3, and 4 and determine if they contain
the work "bird". If they do, then the row will remain. If I select
"no", then all rows containing "bird" will be deleted.
If on the second combo box I select "yes", then it will look for all
rows in column AA of sheets 2, 3, and 4 and determine if they contain
the work "dog". If they do, then the row will remain. If I select
"no", then all rows containing "dog" will be deleted.
The problem I see is that the original file should never be saved with
changes. After making selections in the 5 combo boxes, the user would
click submit and...
-all deletions would be made
-sheets 2, 3, and 4 would be saved in a new file
-original file closed without saving changes