I have data in cells A7
K394 which all have 0 in them until totals are added
in other worksheets which then pullthrough.
At the end of the week I have to Hide all rows from A7 to A394 that still
have 0 in them as no totals have been added in other sheets so the customer
has not posted with us.
is there any way excell can recognise the cells that have no data against
them and hide them automatically by pressing a button. or if they all start
off hidden unhide as data is entered.
Hopefully this makes sense
many thanks for any help with this as again its to save me lots of manual work
in other worksheets which then pullthrough.
At the end of the week I have to Hide all rows from A7 to A394 that still
have 0 in them as no totals have been added in other sheets so the customer
has not posted with us.
is there any way excell can recognise the cells that have no data against
them and hide them automatically by pressing a button. or if they all start
off hidden unhide as data is entered.
Hopefully this makes sense
many thanks for any help with this as again its to save me lots of manual work