Hiding Rows



I am able to hide rows but unable to unhide them. Worksheet not protect and
cells not locked - but cannot seem to solve this mystery.

Earl Kiosterud


Normally, you unhide rows by selecting from each row on each side of the hidden row(s).
This will include the hidden row(s) between them. For example, if row 3 is hidden, select
rows from row 2 to row 4. Now right-click, and do the Unhide. Or you can put the mouse
just beyond the border (in the row header, at left) where the hidden row is, and you'll see
a double-line mouse pointer. Drag that away, as if you're stretching the zero-height
(hidden) row.
Regards from Virginia Beach,

Earl Kiosterud

Note: Top-posting has been the norm here.
Some folks prefer bottom-posting.
But if you bottom-post to a reply that's
already top-posted, the thread gets messy.
When in Rome...

Dave Peterson

I like this technique:

type an address that is completely in the rows to unhide
For instance, if I wanted to show rows 7:10, I would type in:
or even

Then click ok
Then Format|row|unhide

Sandy Mann

How are you hiding the rows? If you are dragging the bottom edge of the row
up to the next row, it may be that the row is not actually hidden but has
just a very small height setting. If neither Earl nor Dave's answers work
for you try selecting a cell in the *hidden* row as Dave said and then
select Format > Row > Height and entering 12.75 or whatever height you want.


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and the crowning place of kings

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