Hiding/Showing OptionButtons on a UserForm



Hello Experts!! I am trying to come up with a way for a UserForm to show
certain OptionButtons, and hide others. My code is below (some of it is cut
out; it is very long):

If OptionButton1 = True And CheckBox1 = True Then

OptionButton2.Visible = False
OptionButton3.Visible = False
OptionButton4.Visible = True
OptionButton5.Visible = True
OptionButton6.Visible = True
‘…etc., etc., etc.
End If

That part works fine, but here is the tricky part…

If OptionButton21 = False And _
OptionButton22 = False And _
OptionButton33 = False And _
OptionButton44 = False And _
OptionButton25 = False Then
MsgBox "Please select a Transaction Type!!"
Exit Sub
End If
‘…etc., etc., etc.

If OptionButton30 Then Cells(20, 2) = "MAP"
If OptionButton40 Then Cells(20, 2) = "CUST"
‘…etc., etc., etc.

When I click on OptionButton30 or OptionButton40 the message box pops up and
reads, Please select a Transaction Type!! I guess I just have to change the
order in which the code fires, but I can’t seem to figure out what that order
is. BTW, all of these OptionButtons are in the same Frame. Does that make a
difference? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



could you post the code? i can't tell from where these subs are being
called - are they _change subs, command button subs, _click subs?
i know you said it's long, but...........


The code below works fine. What I am trying to do is get the UserForm to
accept OptionButton19 or OptionButton34, and then move to the next UserForm.
For some reason, when I click on OptionButton19 or OptionButton34, I get the
message, “Please select a Product Line!!â€

If OptionButton35 = False And _
OptionButton36 = False And _
OptionButton37 = False And _
OptionButton38 = False And _
OptionButton39 = False And _
OptionButton40 = False And _
OptionButton41 = False And _
OptionButton42 = False And _
OptionButton43 = False And _
OptionButton46 = False And _
OptionButton45 = False And _
OptionButton44 = False And _
OptionButton47 = False And _
OptionButton59 = False And _
OptionButton60 = False Then
MsgBox "Please select a Product Line!!"
Exit Sub
End If
Etc, etc, etc…

Below is another example...lots of cosd similar to this...
If OptionButton51 = False And _
OptionButton52 = False And _
OptionButton53 = False And _
OptionButton54 = False And _
OptionButton55 = False And _
OptionButton56 = False And _
OptionButton57 = False And _
OptionButton58 = False Then
MsgBox "Please select a Transaction Type!!"
Exit Sub
End If

I'd greatly appreciate any help/insight!!


ok......... i'm really bad at visualizing stuff without seeing it, so
if it's not confidential data feel free to send it along & i'll take a
look at it.

bogen(secondword)excel(at symbol)aol(dot symbol)com

remove the words in parentheses and add the @ and .

in the interim........ take OptionButton 35-60. are they in a frame?
if so, only one can be selected, no matter how many there are.

rather than going through all the "false" convolutions, maybe you
should just focus on the two "true" ones.

if optionbutton19.value = true then
do your stuff
end if

then you can loop through all the other option buttons with the
message box.
hope that helps (a little, at least!).


That did it! Through a combination of your tips, and my fiddling, I got it
to work. Thanks so much.

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