Hiding Table Values Cont



Hello I have been given the following information...

In a >continuous< form, this doesn't work well, because
setting the property
of a control, affects every record on the screen - not
just the current
record. So in that case, you could set the ControlSource
property of the
password field, to:


Then in the code module of the form, say (untested):

private function ShowPassword() as string
if <put some test here> then
' show the password.
ShowPassword = me![password] ' use your field
name here.
' hide the password.
ShowPassword = ""
end sub

and I would like to know is this code ok to put into a
continuous form?? I need it to apply the password control
source to certain records...

Can this be done?



Mark A. Sam


This will work if in the expression:

ShowPassword = me![password]

[password] is a bound textbox.

If [password] is a static value then it will display the same result in each
record on the form.

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam

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