Hiding the CommandBars



Hi there,
I'm trying to hide the look of excel in my program without creating
userforms for everything.
I'm usung this code at startup:

Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Enabled = False
Application.DisplayFullScreen = True
Application.CommandBars("Full Screen").Enabled = False

This works but as I change sheets via command buttons... I get a blank gray
bar at the top of the screen.
It also does this when I bring up a Userform I created.

The only way I can get rid of this blank gray bar is by right clicking and
selecting one of the toolbars then right clicking again to remove it.

Is there a way I don't have to see this blank gray bar??

Thanks Craig


I placed your code in ThisWorkBook.Activate and Deactivate
Works great from switching between worksheets.... but when I activate a
userform the gray blank bar comes back.
When I close the userform the blank gray bar is still there.



Yes... the userform is the same file, I'll try creating another userform to
see if it does it too.


Ron... I've traced to what part of my code is causing this error. It happens
when the code Activates another sheet.
This sheet change is for a combobox, heres the code:
The "Console" Worksheet is the Active sheet at start of code execution.

Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
Dim varLastRow
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'More code here to set vaules on the userform


Store_Info.Activate ' This is where the error is made.

varLastRow = Activecell.Row
frmAudit.cboStore_Select.AddItem ("<Select Store>")
For x = 3 To varLastRow + 1
frmAudit.cboStore_Select.AddItem (ActiveCell.Value)
Activecell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next x
frmAudit.cboStore_Select.ListIndex = 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Here is the code in my ThisWorkBook:

Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Application.ShowStartupDialog = False
Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False
Application.CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False
ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False
Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False
Application.CommandBars("Full Screen").Enabled = True
End Sub

The Workbook_Deactivate() is the same with opposite values

This is hand type... so their may be some typo's




I was wondering if you found a way to get rid of the gray bar at th
top of your screen. I am also getting this same error when I ope
another work book, make a sheet active in that workbook, and then mov
a bunch of data to my workbook. When the other workbook closes, th
line is there.

ANy help or experience you can share would be appreciated

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