highlight and delete text word 2002



I have windows xp, a Dell bundled with Word 2002, and cannot figure out how
to delete text in a document by merely highlighting and pressing the delete
I don't use, nor understand most of the tools & customizations in Word, but
it seems to me that highlighting and deleting should be a very basic
function. I searched Google, and everything that I found indicated that all
I need to do is highlight and delete, but it doesn't work that way.
So, any insight would be appreciated.

Daiya Mitchell

What happens when you try?

In Tools | Options, Edit, ensure "typing replaces selection" is checked.


Hi, Daiyana, thanks for responding.
'typing replaces selection' is selected, and when I try to delete text, the
text becomes underlined in a green, squiggly line, but nothing is deleted.


Okay, I just tried using the 'Del' key, rather than the 'delete' key, which
by the way is something that I tried several times without success, but this
time it worked. What is the difference between the two keys?


sorry to keep adding to the post, but I noticed when I do use the del key,
which also acts as a period when text is not highlighted, is does delete all
text, except it leaves a period (.) at what would be the start of the

Charles Kenyon

The key you are referring to is a part of the numeric keypad and you have
NumLock turned on. So, it is a decimal point (period). Likewise, the Home
key on that keypad is a 7. So it is typing a period and replacing your
selected text with the period.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

See also the MVP FAQ: http://www.mvps.org/word which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

On the General tab of Tools | Options, clear the check boxes for both items
that refer to WordPerfect.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

That's because you're actually replacing the text with a period ("Typing
replaces selection"). To deal with this (different) problem, on the General
tab of Tools | Options, clear the check boxes for both items that refer to
WordPerfect. These are two separate issues, and both Daiya and Charles
jumped on the wrong solution (see


Thank you all for getting a solution, and sorry I didn't post back until
now, had to work 2 jobs today. I figured out the solution but didn't have
time to fill you in. I asked a customer about the num lock thing, and he
told me exactly what Suzanne suggested, and as far as the Word Perfect
thing, well, I found that by accident, but was not sure until reading your
post that I had indeed found the cause. I was checking all the options,
stumbled on the Word Perfect setting and since I don't have Word Perfect, I
deselected it. I made a few other changes, opened Word, and was able to
highlight and delete text, but I wasn't sure which change I made was the one
I was looking for.
SO, thanks again, I appreciate your help.

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