highlight cell with colour if date overdue



can anyone tell me please how do i highlight a cell in a spreadsheet with
colour if date overdue

JE McGimpsey

And how exactly should XL determine that the date was overdue?

Take a look at Conditional Formatting in XL Help.

If, for instance, the due date is in A1 and the date is overdue if it's
in the past, select A1, choose Format/Conditional Formatting... and use
something like:

CF1: =A1<TODAY()
Format1: <patterns>/<color>

Bob Phillips

Look at conditional formula with a condition of Formula Is and a formula of
=A2<TODAY() and set the colour.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Peo Sjoblom

Use format>conditional formatting, then formula is and


click format button and select red pattern or fonts and click OK twice

where A2 is the cell with the date you want to check if it is overdue
if it is 30 days from the date in A2 you can use




Peo Sjoblom

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