highlight from top to bottom of spreadsheet without scrolling?



I am trying to highlight or go to the last line that I have entered
information on an excel spreadsheet. would like to know if there is a
shortcut to do this with out using the scroll bar to get to the bottom?
Example- I want to highlight row 6 through the last row that I have info
entered (316)

John C

Assuming contiguous data...
click in the column that you are trying to find end of data, in row 6, then
press CTRL+down arrorw to go to the last row of data, or SHIFT+CTRL+down
arrow to select from row 6 to last row of data.


CTRL-End will take you directly to the cell that Excel thinks is the
last used cell, so to do what you want:

highlight row 6 by clicking on the row identifier;
hold down the SHIFT key;
press CTRL-End;
release the SHIFT key.

Hope this helps.


Niek Otten

Select the top cell. Hold SHIFT and press CTRL+the downward arrow

Or, to select a whole block, including neighbouring populated columns (if


to higlight top to bottom, press Ctrl G the type B:B (or the column u want to

to go down quick press Ctrl and Down-Arrow (may need to hit more than once,
if you have marged cells)

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