Highlight Graphics



I have a JPG line drawing that I have inserted into a ppt presentation.
I'd like to highlight some of the lines (preferably, first one, then
another, etc., using custom automation effects).

Using PP 2k2, I can sort of get this effect by using the
semi-transparent shape overlay technique, but this doesn't work very
well when the line is curved rather than vertical or horizontal. Also,
PP2k2 doesn't seem to allow transparency for lines -- only for fills of
enclosed shapes, so I can't just trace a wide highlight line over the
part of the drawing I want to emphasize (my hand isn't steady enough
with a mouse to get a nice smooth curve ...).

I understand that PP2k3 has a highlight tool. Before I upgrade (or try
to persuade our IT people to upgrade), does the new highlight tool work
on images or only on text? And where does PPXP fit into the sequence
of versions?

john wilson

PP XP is "one below" PP 2003.

The highlight feature in 2003 won't do what you want as it only works
(freehand) during a presentation.

You can change the transparency and or colour of lines using the custom
animation - emphasis feature.


john said:
PP XP is "one below" PP 2003.

The highlight feature in 2003 won't do what you want as it only works
(freehand) during a presentation.

You can change the transparency and or colour of lines using the custom
animation - emphasis feature.

Thanks. Actually, freehand highlighting during the presentation might be
OK, but as it turns out, custom animation - emphasis gives an equivalent

I trace a line in the drawing; set its weight to 6 or 8 points; set its
initial color to "no line" and then use custom automation emphasis to
change color "on click" and transparency "with previous." Not too bad,
although still a bit wobbly drawing the line. As expected, there's no
substitute for lack of artistic talent.


Steve said:
Didja break it??? ;-)

It works here in PPT2003 and 2002/XP

When you're looking at available line colors, click "More Colors"
That brings up the Colors dialog box.
On either the Standard or Custom tab you can choose a Transparency percentage.


Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com

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