Highlight record



Does anyone know the code to highlight a record on a continuous form?
Or can someone tell me how to get to it


I couldn't get Lebans code to work with 2000. If anyone is intereste
in highlighting the current record on a continuous form check ou
www.liquorman.net. There is less code to write here than Lebans and i
works for 2000

Stephen Lebans

The code you are referring to was written expressly for A97, before A2K
was even released, and never intended for use in A2K or higher. I never
bothered to update the old A97 solution as A2K now supports
ConditionalFormatting, for which I have a sample MDB here:

Your solution you invented has been posted hundreds of times over the
last 5 years. CF is superior to the solution you are using because it
allows for several props of each control to be manipulated via the
FormatConditions object. Finally, the solution you posted will not work
in Datsheet view while CF does.

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