Highlighting Filters


Jim Stalder


I'm having trouble turning OFF the highlighting filters feature in Project
Pro 2002. Everytime I apply a filter (say via the autofilter column
headings or view the toolbar Projects --> Filtered For:) the filtered items
are highlighted blue.

I would like the option where the rows not meeting the filter are actually
hidden. The same way it works in Excel....

thanks for the help!
-Jim Stalder
(e-mail address removed)

Mike Glen

Hi Jim,

Welcome to the Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Have you tried a bit further - Project/Filtered For (...)/More
filters.../select and click Apply (rather than Highlight)?

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jim Stalder

Mike -- Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, I tried that. Whether I click
"Apply" or "Highlight", the same thing happens -- the filtered data is
highlighted blue. This happens on two different PCs with Microsoft Project
Pro 2002 installed.

If I open another project or create a new one -- the filtering works fine.
There must be a setting particular to this project that is "turning off" the
hide (vs. highlight) option... I just can't find it.... I'm opening the
project from a Project Server 2002 repository. However, other projects
opened from that same repository behave as I expect (meaning the data is
hidden, not highlighted, upon applying the fitler).

thank you
Jim Stalder

Mike Glen

OK, Jim, try View/More Views.../Gantt Chart/Edit... and make sure the
Highlight filter setting is unchecked.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Jim Stalder

Mike -- Success!!!! Thank you!!!!

Mike Glen said:
OK, Jim, try View/More Views.../Gantt Chart/Edit... and make sure the
Highlight filter setting is unchecked.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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