We have several Word templates that we have been updating, and now we
have a situation where the background highlighting formatting of
various sections of text cannot be removed simply by selecting and
unhighlighting. It seems the only way to remove the blue background
is to select some text with a normal background, then select Format
Painter, and then reselect the text with the blue highlighted
background. This removes the blue, and enables us to rehighlight in a
different color. What is locking the highlighting formatting in these
templates? Thanks.
have a situation where the background highlighting formatting of
various sections of text cannot be removed simply by selecting and
unhighlighting. It seems the only way to remove the blue background
is to select some text with a normal background, then select Format
Painter, and then reselect the text with the blue highlighted
background. This removes the blue, and enables us to rehighlight in a
different color. What is locking the highlighting formatting in these
templates? Thanks.