Highlighting incoming email using a message rule.


Kelly Armitage

I am wondering if any of you "wipper snappers" out there have a good method
of highlighting an incoming email from a particular person. I have suggested
moving it to a dedicated folder however that is not what they want to do. I
have it now so it makes a "purple flag" on the applicable incoming email,
but, the flag is seemingly always at the far right, and seemingly unmovable,
so they werent overly thrilled with that solution either. Is it possible to
make the entire line "red" or highlighted when recieving an email from a
particular person?

Alternative suggestions welcome in this case!!!! Thanks!

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

Can do oldster. Here's how:

Go to the Inbox. Click on an email from the sender you want to colour.
Tools | Organize
Using color
Select a colour from the drop down window

Move the cursor to enother email and you'll see it has been applied.

All new emails from the sender you just applied this to will appear in the
new colour.

Have fun!!!


Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Trainer and Consultant

There are various articles about using Outlook here: www.judygleeson.com
Canberra, Australia

Kelly Armitage

awesome thanks it works perfectly..... I knew it was possible, in fact I had
just searched this forum for "highlighted" sifted through 100 or so posts and
found your exact answer, tried it and you are BOTH AWESOME! lol

thanks again its exactly the solutions i needed.

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