Sincere apologies, I have accidentally removed my section
breaks!! I think it must be nearly home time!!
I need to insert some text at the top of the section but
when I test my command I replace the entire text inthe
section rather than insert extra text - please see code
below:- Many thanks.
Sub IndSecTOC
Dim s As Integer
Dim oRng As Range
Set oRng = Selection.Range
oRng.Start = 0
oRng.End = Selection.Range.Start
s = oRng.Sections.Count
Secbk = "toc \h \z \t ""section sub heading,2""
\b ""section" & s
'this bit of code is not correct but what should it be???
Selection.Range.Fields.Add Range:=oRng,
Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:=Secbk & """,
end sub