Highly specific Exell Problem



Ok here it goes, I am currently working with an Excell sheet that is sent to
me daily with updated values and I am running a macro over this sheet in
Windows NT! There the macro works fine but when i try to reprogram the
procedure into Windows XP it wont work. I have by now figured out the reason
for this: The file that is sent to me has several formulars on cells, that
are not defined on my machine therefor if i open the excell sheet in XP it
will enter "#NAME?" into the concerning cells. On NT however it doesnt do so,
as it does not seem to execute the formulars on load, but simply keeps the
values with which the file was last saved.
Ok, so what i need to know is, can i somehow in VB or in some hidden
properties, tell Exel not to execute the formulars but keep the old values in
Beware i dont mean links or tables or webquieries of any kind just formulars
in the cells.
I have also thought about a workaround already which is ok but not ideal, as
i could simply save the exel file as a text file on the NT machine and then
work with that textfile in XP, it does not help me getting away from NT

Thanks a million for any suggestions

Bernard Liengme

This has nothing to do with Windows versions but with what Excel files are
stored on the two PCs.
The NAME error indicates a reference to a function that is not present.
What does the formula in that cell read? You need to look for something like
=Personal.xls.SOMEFUNCTION(argument). The you need to copy that file (or the
functions in it) from the NT machine to the second PC
best wishes


no you got me wrong, the function will have been executed befor i even get
the file on a server in another country and it will have put data into the
respective fields. The version difference of Exel on my two machines is what
makes the difference now: NT will just keep the values that have been
inserted without applying the formular (which is still put onto that field)
again, whereas the new Exel version will execute the formular again, but that
formular is specific to the server it comes from...

I am opening the same file on a server between the NT and XP machine and
they show different things, as i have explained. But i open the exact same
file! NT will show the value still (althought if i klick in the field it will
update the formular and give the same error) and XP will update at the start
and therefore i dont have the values.

Hope it is more clear now, i am at a point now where i even am pleased with
conversational comments as i have been trying to come up with a reasonable
solution for about a week now...

Dave Peterson

There are some functions that are not built into excel itself. They can be
added by developers (a custom addin) or by MS (like the Analysis tookpak).

The simple solution (I think) would be to find out where those functions point
and make sure you have the same installed addin (and install it in the same


Your post describes a difference between two different versions of excel--not
two different versions of windows. There is a windows registry setting that can
be changed so that newer versions of excel recalculate these links in the same
manner that earlier versions of excel used.

Jim Rech posted this:
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]

Ps. If both pc's are running the same version of excel, maybe one pc owner
already tweaked the registry with this setting.


Hey this is a great answer and i m actually quite confident it would work,
one problem thought: I dont have the admin rights to the registry and there
is no chance that i ll be able to change anything through that route. If you
can think of any other idea that does not involve changeing the registry i d
be very greatful.

Thanks a lot anyway, very good post!



Found something that works for me and quite a bit easier then i thought it
would be,
"Before you open the Bloomberg spreadsheet. open a new blank worksheet and set
the application to manual using calculation Tools-->OPtions-->Calculation.
Then open the bloomberg sheet - the numbers should stay static."

Thanks all who helped on this :).

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