Higlighting the holidays


Suresh Raj


I am trying to build in a holiday calendar for my team which will clearly
show and higlight the planned holidays for each and every team member. I see
that 'Resouce Usage' view is best bit to display resources agains the
allocated working and non-working time, but the only problem I facing is to
hilight the cells for non-working time for each and every resource.

And when I tried Format ->Timescale ->Non-working time and changed the
colour it changes only for the weekend and not for the resources non-working

Any help on this is highly appreciated.

Suresh Raj


Hello Suresh Raj,

You can change the background of the view to show nonworking time from
single resource's calendar. On the Non-working time tab, select the
resource's calendar from the Calendar drop down.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

Suresh Raj


When I did this it changes the view of all all resources ?

I am looking for a single consolidate view of a calendar which shows all
resources non-working time higlighted.

Suresh Raj


Hello Suresh Raj,

Sorry, that's how the command works. It changes the background of the
entire Resource Usage view to show the nonworking time from the
selected resource's calendar. As Jan mentioned, there is no "out of
the box" way of doing this in Project but he has provided a link to
some VBA code that will help. The other option (not one I'd
recommend) would be to enter the nonworking time for each resource
into a new calendar and then show that calendar as the background of
the usage view or any other view.

You can modify a resource report to show the resource's name and then
the holidays listed below, but it is not a timescaled-type view.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional information
about Microsoft Project

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