Hiring A Word Pro to help with template



OK, I give up. I have spend hours trying to fix what seems to be
simple problem. The macro in my word 2007 template has quit working.
It is a simple macro that should insert a check mark and remove it whe
clicking on the box. I purchased a new computer, uploaded the sam
Office 2007 programs from my old computer now my template no longe

I would like to hire someone to fix this, seemingly easy, issue for m
because I can't waste anymore time on it. I would like to also add som
more functions to the template and would like to just pay someone t
create a new template for me so I can move on with my life.

If you know your way around MS Word 2007 and can work magic wit
templates and macros please contact me

Peter T. Daniels

Did you copy the old template onto the new computer?

(It's not an integral part of Office. Ditto any customizations you may
have done to your dictionaries, your AutoCorrects, etc.)


I have reviewed at least a dozen word forums, gone thru MS Online hel
files, tried numerous ways to attach my template to the word startu
sequence, and the more I try the more confused it gets. The templat
works great on my other two computers, never any problems. I have n
idea what gives with this new computer setup that is different from m
other two computers. I'm running Office 2007 on all of them. Th
template just doesn't want to work and I have spent many hours, days
trying to figure it out. So, I am looking to hire someone to help m
fix the issue. Please feel free to contact me direct if you think yo
can help and we can work out the cost. Thanks!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Can you post the macro here? If it is the one used in some older Word
templates, then the check box is a MacroButton field that actually runs two
macros alternately. The macros are called CheckIt and UnCheckIt, and they
depend on the existence of two AutoText entries, CheckedBox and
UncheckedBox. And the box requires a double-click unless you have another
macro that allows MacroButtons to be run with a single click.

Of course, as you no doubt no, the whole arrangement is a workaround for
using an actual Check Box Form Field, which would check and uncheck with a
single click but would also require the document to be protected for forms.

For more information about the first type of check box, see

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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