Histogram pt 2



This is extra information for my first original post
The layout of my data is 8 columns andd different amount of rows
The name of the columns are as follows:

Country(C), PlaceName(PN), Male Claimant count(MCC), Male Clamaint
rate(MCR), Female claimant count(FCC), female claimant rate(FCR), total
claimant count(TCC), total claimant rate(TCR)

An example of my data is as follows

London Barnet 1525 1.3 100 1.5 1625 2.8
London Brent 2598 0.8 90 0.9 2688 1.7
London Ealing 6235 1.9 80 0.5 6315 2.4
London Enfield 7213 1.1 70 3.3 7283 4.4
London Harrow 4561 2.3 50 2.2 4611 4.5

Plz, i will b truly grateful if someone could point me in the right direction

Much appreciated


dear bj,

if u were in my situation, how would u go about constructin a histogram
based on the info u have?

im not sure how 2 go about constructing a histogram, so im not sure as to
what should go on the x or y axis


Histograms normally show distributions of values
I think what you need are several charts to show your data. One would be a
stacked column chart to show the MCC acd FCC values versus location.

Select the data in the MCC and FCC columns (including the ;cell which says
MCC and the Cell which says FCC and the <insert><chart><column>
select the picture that shows the one column with two different colors one
on top of the other
select Next and at the top of the chart wizard select series
click in the box which says Catagory (X) axis labelss and using the cursor
select the items in the c and PN columns.
select next and enter the titles you wish to use

hit next and I normally select as new sheet sicne this will show better what
it will look like when printed.

Note I did not include the data for the TCC because it is the total of the
other two.

the other data would work better on a line chart

Start by selecting the data for MCR, FCR and TCR including the lables
this time after <insert><chart> I would select <Line> and select the one
where the lines cross and have little characters at each location
follow the rest of the step as above.