
  • Thread starter James Silverton
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James Silverton

Can someone please point me in the right direction to
automatically or, at least quickly, redo a histogram when the
data changes? I admit that Tools>Data Analysis>Histogram is not
all that time consuming.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:


you can generate a histogram easily using the frequancy () command.
set up your bin ranges by identifying the lower end of the bins
for example 0,10,20 in A1,A2,A3 would establish the bin ranges 0<=x<10,
10<=x<20 and X>20
select the cells where you want your frequency data to be. Normally I go
next to the range cells (B1:B3)
if your data is in f1:f30
type in
=frequency(F1:F30,B1:B3) and enter as an array control-shift-enter
if you plot the results you will have a histogram.
If you want to change the frequency array equation later, you need to select
all of the cells in the array.

James Silverton

bj wrote on Thu, 8 Mar 2007 12:30:50 -0800:
you can generate a histogram easily using the frequancy ()
set up your bin ranges by identifying the lower end of the bins
for example 0,10,20 in A1,A2,A3 would establish the bin ranges
10<=x<20 and X>20
select the cells where you want your frequency data to be.
Normally I go
next to the range cells (B1:B3)
if your data is in f1:f30
type in
=frequency(F1:F30,B1:B3) and enter as an array
if you plot the results you will have a histogram.
If you want to change the frequency array equation later, you
need to select
all of the cells in the array.

b> "James Silverton" wrote:

??>> Can someone please point me in the right direction to
??>> automatically or, at least quickly, redo a histogram when
??>> the data changes? I admit that Tools>Data
??>> Analysis>Histogram is not all that time consuming.

Thanks very much, that works efficiently and easily. I had
forgotten about FREQUENCY()

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

James Silverton

Mike wrote on Thu, 8 Mar 2007 14:17:46 -0800:

MM> And, if you'd like to see an application of this approach,
MM> look at the Dynamic Histogram worksheet in the RandSamp.xls
MM> workbook that you can download from
MM> http://www.usfca.edu/~middleton/decision.htm

MM> MM> - Mike http://www.mikemiddleton.com

Thanks Mike!

Interesting stuff.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

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