Historical Data - Progress Mesurement - Track changes - Log



Hi All

Any help on the below problem would be much appriciated.

Hi again

Thanks again for your quick answer - it seen like I am in a dead end :-(

You are right - I want to have a log/track of changes in the status (and
other issuses) on a daily basis. Do you have any idee of where to put this
question to have a chance of some help?


If I understand correctly, you want a log, to track the changes. Do you
want whenever you go to an entry in Task List and change the status,
i.e. *overwrite the cell*, the history to be updated? This would
likely require VBA.

The way you have your layout it is easier to go from history to
tasklist than the other way around.

You could consider changes in your task list, every entry in which can
be the ID, the date and the new status. This could make it easier to
generate a history list.

Write back if you are considering a change in your input table
structure/functionality. Or maybe someone else jumps in.


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