Hit Counter Displays Red X



When I add the Hit Counter component in Frontpage 2000,
the following HTML code is generated. This appears to be
the problem, but I don't know how Frontpage has determined
this path:
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><!--webbot
bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-digits="5" i-image="0"
PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]&lt;/strong&gt;" i-
resetvalue="0" startspan --><img
Page=index.html|Image=0|Digits=5" alt="Hit Counter"><!--
webbot bot="HitCounter" endspan -->
On the website, the src= is pointing to the webpage
directory _vti_bin/fpcount.exe/C:/my_data/arwebsite/?

Why is the code pointing to my local drive? How can I
edit this HTML code? Any help would be greatly

Tom Pepper Willett

How to check and see if FP Server Extensions are installed on the host

or, type in your website root URL with /_vti_inf.html ex:
http://www.mysitename.com/_vti_inf.html and you will see whether your site
has them installed and enabled.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Cathy said:
Supposedly. That's the message from Comcast.

The odd thing about the problem is that if I go to
http://mywebpages.comcast.net/enterpriseconnections/, I
see the red 'X'. However, if I view the "webpage" in
their "View Web Page" utility, the counter is set to 1,
and kind of looks like what one might expect of a counter
not hidden on the screen.

Do you have any suggestions as to how I can know specifics
about what, if any, FP Server Extensions are installed?
I'm not too technical, but continuing to learn.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Cathy,

Are the FP Server Extension installed and working?
Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible
---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
If you think I'm doing a good job, let MS know at (e-mail address removed)

Cathy said:
When I add the Hit Counter component in Frontpage 2000,
the following HTML code is generated. This appears to be
the problem, but I don't know how Frontpage has determined
this path:
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><!--webbot
bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-digits="5" i-image="0"
PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]&lt;/strong&gt;" i-
resetvalue="0" startspan --><img
Page=index.html|Image=0|Digits=5" alt="Hit Counter"><!--
webbot bot="HitCounter" endspan -->
On the website, the src= is pointing to the webpage
directory _vti_bin/fpcount.exe/C:/my_data/arwebsite/?

Why is the code pointing to my local drive? How can I
edit this HTML code? Any help would be greatly



Thank you for giving your suggestions. I keyed in the
which I believe is your suggestion.

I received, the page cannot be found infamous message.
-----Original Message-----
How to check and see if FP Server Extensions are installed on the host

or, type in your website root URL with /_vti_inf.html ex:
http://www.mysitename.com/_vti_inf.html and you will see whether your site
has them installed and enabled.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Cathy said:
Supposedly. That's the message from Comcast.

The odd thing about the problem is that if I go to
http://mywebpages.comcast.net/enterpriseconnections/, I
see the red 'X'. However, if I view the "webpage" in
their "View Web Page" utility, the counter is set to 1,
and kind of looks like what one might expect of a counter
not hidden on the screen.

Do you have any suggestions as to how I can know specifics
about what, if any, FP Server Extensions are installed?
I'm not too technical, but continuing to learn.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Cathy,

Are the FP Server Extension installed and working?
Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible
If you think I'm doing a good job, let MS know at (e-mail address removed)

When I add the Hit Counter component in Frontpage 2000,
the following HTML code is generated. This appears
the problem, but I don't know how Frontpage has determined
this path:
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><!--webbot
bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-digits="5" i-image="0"
PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]&lt;/strong&gt;" i-
resetvalue="0" startspan --><img
Page=index.html|Image=0|Digits=5" alt="Hit Counter"><!--
webbot bot="HitCounter" endspan -->
On the website, the src= is pointing to the webpage
directory _vti_bin/fpcount.exe/C:/my_data/arwebsite/?

Why is the code pointing to my local drive? How can I
edit this HTML code? Any help would be greatly



Tom Pepper Willett

Then, apparently, the server extensions are not installed or configured to
your account.

Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Cathy said:
Thank you for giving your suggestions. I keyed in the
which I believe is your suggestion.

I received, the page cannot be found infamous message.
-----Original Message-----
How to check and see if FP Server Extensions are installed on the host

or, type in your website root URL with /_vti_inf.html ex:
http://www.mysitename.com/_vti_inf.html and you will see whether your site
has them installed and enabled.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Cathy said:
Supposedly. That's the message from Comcast.

The odd thing about the problem is that if I go to
http://mywebpages.comcast.net/enterpriseconnections/, I
see the red 'X'. However, if I view the "webpage" in
their "View Web Page" utility, the counter is set to 1,
and kind of looks like what one might expect of a counter
not hidden on the screen.

Do you have any suggestions as to how I can know specifics
about what, if any, FP Server Extensions are installed?
I'm not too technical, but continuing to learn.
-----Original Message-----
Hi Cathy,

Are the FP Server Extension installed and working?
Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97-'02
FrontPage Add-ins Since '97 2003 / 2002 / 2000 Compatible
------------------------------------------------------- ---
If you think I'm doing a good job, let MS know at
(e-mail address removed)

When I add the Hit Counter component in Frontpage 2000,
the following HTML code is generated. This appears to
the problem, but I don't know how Frontpage has
this path:
<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0"><!--webbot
bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-digits="5" i-image="0"
PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]&lt;/strong&gt;" i-
resetvalue="0" startspan --><img
Page=index.html|Image=0|Digits=5" alt="Hit Counter"><!--
webbot bot="HitCounter" endspan -->
On the website, the src= is pointing to the webpage
directory _vti_bin/fpcount.exe/C:/my_data/arwebsite/?

Why is the code pointing to my local drive? How can I
edit this HTML code? Any help would be greatly



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