Hit Counter FP 2000



When I first insert a hit counter on my INDEX page, it
looks like this:

<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" u-custom
i-digits="5" i-image="0"
PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]
i-resetvalue="18743" startspan --><img
Page=index/index.htm|Image=0|Digits=5" alt="Hit
Counter"><!--webbot bot="HitCounter" endspan -->

If I then punch out of that web site and come back to it
(on the INDEX page,) FrontPage 2000 has changed the hit
counter to look like this:

<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" u-custom
i-digits="5" i-image="0"
PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]
i-resetvalue="18743" startspan --><img
Page=index/index.htm|Image=0|Digits=5" alt="Hit Counter">

Does any one have any clue why FrontPage 2000 is asking
the counter to look on my hard drive for hits?

Steve Easton

That's "usually" an indication you only have a page open and didn't open your web and then open the

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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