Nickolas Frost
I have hit counter code for Publisher that works in a text display but I am
unable to get it to work with custom images. I know the code is correct and
it works in other programs but Publisher won't display the .gif images of the
counter. Can anyone help? Here is the 2 part code, the images I have saved as
0-9.gif but Publisher keeps changing the names to something like Image23.gif
in the file folder.
<CENTER>Number of visitors:
<a href="http://www.statsmachine.com/"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
mycount = mycount + 1;
var oooooo = Math.floor((mycount)/100000);
mycount = (mycount-(oooooo*100000));
var ooooo = Math.floor((mycount)/10000);
mycount = (mycount-(ooooo*10000));
var oooo = Math.floor((mycount)/1000);
mycount = (mycount-(oooo*1000));
var ooo = Math.floor((mycount)/100);
mycount = (mycount-(ooo*100));
var oo = Math.floor((mycount)/10);
mycount = (mycount-(oo*10));
var o = mycount;
document.write("<img border=0 src=" + oooooo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" +
ooooo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" + oooo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" + ooo +
".gif><img border=0 src=" + oo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" + o + ".gif>");
// --></script></a></CENTER>
unable to get it to work with custom images. I know the code is correct and
it works in other programs but Publisher won't display the .gif images of the
counter. Can anyone help? Here is the 2 part code, the images I have saved as
0-9.gif but Publisher keeps changing the names to something like Image23.gif
in the file folder.
<CENTER>Number of visitors:
<a href="http://www.statsmachine.com/"><script type="text/javascript"><!--
mycount = mycount + 1;
var oooooo = Math.floor((mycount)/100000);
mycount = (mycount-(oooooo*100000));
var ooooo = Math.floor((mycount)/10000);
mycount = (mycount-(ooooo*10000));
var oooo = Math.floor((mycount)/1000);
mycount = (mycount-(oooo*1000));
var ooo = Math.floor((mycount)/100);
mycount = (mycount-(ooo*100));
var oo = Math.floor((mycount)/10);
mycount = (mycount-(oo*10));
var o = mycount;
document.write("<img border=0 src=" + oooooo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" +
ooooo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" + oooo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" + ooo +
".gif><img border=0 src=" + oo + ".gif><img border=0 src=" + o + ".gif>");
// --></script></a></CENTER>