Hit counter



Ive created my web site using frontpage 2003. When i add a hit counter one
that is supplied in frontpage and i try to publish to my host which is go
daddy and when i try to publish to my local machine i get the following error
The following pages in your web site contain dynamic frontpage components
such as a search form or a frontpage form handler. They will not work unless
they are published to a web server running the frontpage server extensions or
sharepoint services. I verified as many setting as i could

Joe Rohn

Hi Vinny,

In order for certain things to show and function properly on your local
computer you need to have a web server like IIS installed on your computer
as well as the FrontPage Extensions. However it isn't a requirement to do
that. If you create your sites on your local computer with FrontPage and
then publish them to a host that does have the Extensions installed things
should work just fine on the hosted site.

In other words unless you feel the need to have a web server and the
extensions installed on your computer...you can ignore the error message you
are seeing when publishing back down from GoDaddy to your PC.


Expression Web and FrontPage Forums:

FrontPage Extensions Hosting:

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