Hit Counters problem


Joseph N. Kunzman

My IP has the Front Page Server Extensions activated
for my site and it will show the hit counter. The problem
is that after serveral visits, it shows the same number of
hits (it is one of the choices in Front Page and I do have
it enabled in page options).

So I have gone to my home page in HTML and the line
starts with <!--webbot bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-image="4"
i-resetvalue="2776" PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]&lt;/strong&gt;"
i-digits="5" startspan --><img
alt="Hit Counter"><!--webbot bot="HitCounter" i-checksum="13961"
endspan -->.

The line is in a grey font color.

I have tried to edit in HMTL view but since what I know
about HTML is not great, I have not as of now come up
with the answer to this component error problem.

Any ideas will be appreciated.

Joe K

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