HitTest function does not return node as documented


Balajee S

I am trying to use a TreeView control within an Excel form(VBA). With the
TreeView control, I am able to display data from an XML document as source.
However when I try to implement drag and drop functionality, HitTest function
was used to get the a specific node using X and Y position (As documented in
MSDN). However the HitTest() function always returns the first Parent Node
within the TreeView control, no matter what node was clicked within the
TreeView Control.

Does anyone faced this problem. Am not sure if its a problem with the
Control itself when used with VBA. Please suggest me an approach to overcome

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Although the other NGs to which you have cross-posted are doubtless
appropriate, word.docmanagement is a Word end user NG and is not relevant.

Balajee S

There was a similar problem faced by Marco on using TreeView control, perhaps
when he was working with Word VBA. The message that was posted on 17-Jun-2004
and is available with the following search keyword from Google

"malfunction "TreeView HitTest " group:microsoft.public.word.vba.general"

Thought this might as well form a reference to people using TreeView control
in Word application.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you think this might be of interest to Word developers, then post in a
word.vba NG. Despite the name, the .docmanagement NG has been designated by
MS for "General Questions" and consequently is now the most heavily
trafficked Word NG, primarily devoted to questions from users who wouldn't
know VBA from a hole in the ground.

Harald Staff

Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
If you think this might be of interest to Word developers, then post in a
word.vba NG. Despite the name, the .docmanagement NG has been designated by
MS for "General Questions" and consequently is now the most heavily
trafficked Word NG, primarily devoted to questions from users who wouldn't
know VBA from a hole in the ground.
Ahem... you're crossposting your protests to a couple of Excel groups,
Suzanne, where the original question is highly relevant and Word newsgroup
etiquette the exact opposite.

Best wishes Harald

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It doesn't make any sense *not* to cross-post, since obviously the original
post was not sent from a regular reader of this NG; if I post it only to
word.docmanagement, the OP will not see it. My point is that if this thread
is to be cross-posted to *any* Word NG, it would make more sense to
cross-post to a word.vba NG instead of word.docmanagement.

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