HLOOKUP Function



Frustrating problem with a lookup. Example:
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Sunday Monday
5 10 12 7

I want to be able to perform a lookup to see the 2 values
for sunday for example in Column A and B. Using the
HLOOKUP function I can find Column A's value for Sunday
but I need to then go across 1 column to see the value
next to it in column B. Any help with this feature would
be gratefully received.
Many Thanks in advance!


Sounds like you really want VLOOKUP (vertical)

try arranging your tabel like this
Column A Column B Column C
Sunday 5 10
Monday 12 7

You can use the formula:

which means =vlookup(lookup value, lookuprange, column of
required value)

Leo Heuser


Assuming your data in A1:D2, is this
what you're looking for:


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