hlookup problem



I am trying to use an hlookup using the date as the lookup-value. In the case
that it finds a zero for that entry, I would like it to lookup the previous
entries until it finds a value. I have tried using TRUE in the logical range
lookup, but since all dates appear it still returns a zero. I have also tried
using an IF stantement as follows: =IF(HLOOKUP(date,formula)=0,
HLOOKUP(date-1,formula), HLOOKUP(date, formula)) but this will only work for
the very next day and wont continuously loop for 2 or more. Can anyone help

T. Valko

What it sounds like is that you want the *last* entry of the row.
In the case that it finds a zero for that entry

Are they literally number 0 or are the cells empty? So, does this mean the
value to be returned is numeric?

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