Hlp! Seq within Formula




I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.



macropod said:
To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'



Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you copy the
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.



macropod said:
To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:

I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



Yes, I did examine the code. I then copied and pasted it into my table and
modified the * for - and it worked fine for the first table.

When it got to the 2nd table, it stopped working. I realize that I need to
add an r switch to get it to restart the numbering with 1, but when I try to
do this, I get a syntax error.

I then tried to start from scratch, but, again, syntax error. This is what
I did:

Insert menu, Field, Quote (which I am honestly not sure why using)
Ctrl F9
Type =b
Insert field - seq rownum
type -c
Insert field - seq rownum \c

I then hit F9 and get Syntax Error.

I'm obviously missing something and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.



macropod said:
Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you copy the
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.



macropod said:
To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]


I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



Hi Dee,

I take it you're using coding based on the example from Column E. For your second and subsequent tables, you'd be better off
changing the SEQ field names and 'CellA' etc bookmarks. Otherwise, you'll have to delete the '/2' divisors for the second table, at
which point you could run into problems with Word trying to use two copies of the same 'CellA' etc bookmarks. It gets even more
complicated if you go to three or more tables and try to reuse the SEQ fields and 'CellA' etc bookmarks.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Yes, I did examine the code. I then copied and pasted it into my table and
modified the * for - and it worked fine for the first table.

When it got to the 2nd table, it stopped working. I realize that I need to
add an r switch to get it to restart the numbering with 1, but when I try to
do this, I get a syntax error.

I then tried to start from scratch, but, again, syntax error. This is what
I did:

Insert menu, Field, Quote (which I am honestly not sure why using)
Ctrl F9
Type =b
Insert field - seq rownum
type -c
Insert field - seq rownum \c

I then hit F9 and get Syntax Error.

I'm obviously missing something and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.



macropod said:
Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you copy the
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.




To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]


I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



Thanks for your reply.

I guess I'm still not getting this. To which selection do I apply
bookmarks? Do I do this before inserting the fields, or is it something done
via fields.

Thank you so much.


macropod said:
Hi Dee,

I take it you're using coding based on the example from Column E. For your second and subsequent tables, you'd be better off
changing the SEQ field names and 'CellA' etc bookmarks. Otherwise, you'll have to delete the '/2' divisors for the second table, at
which point you could run into problems with Word trying to use two copies of the same 'CellA' etc bookmarks. It gets even more
complicated if you go to three or more tables and try to reuse the SEQ fields and 'CellA' etc bookmarks.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Yes, I did examine the code. I then copied and pasted it into my table and
modified the * for - and it worked fine for the first table.

When it got to the 2nd table, it stopped working. I realize that I need to
add an r switch to get it to restart the numbering with 1, but when I try to
do this, I get a syntax error.

I then tried to start from scratch, but, again, syntax error. This is what
I did:

Insert menu, Field, Quote (which I am honestly not sure why using)
Ctrl F9
Type =b
Insert field - seq rownum
type -c
Insert field - seq rownum \c

I then hit F9 and get Syntax Error.

I'm obviously missing something and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.



macropod said:
Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you copy the
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.




To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]


I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



Hi Dee,

The SEQ and SET fields create their own bookmarks. For the second and subsequent tables, you need to give these different names from
the names used in the first table. The field from Column E is presently coded as:
{Set CellA "a{={SEQ RowNr}/2}"}
{Set CellB "b{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set CellC "c{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={CellA}*{CellB}+{CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}
You need to change the 'CellA' , 'CellB', 'CellC' and 'RowNr' strings to something else for the 2nd table. For example:
{Set Tbl2CellA "a{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellB "b{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellC "c{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={Tbl2CellA}*{Tbl2CellB}+{Tbl2CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Thanks for your reply.

I guess I'm still not getting this. To which selection do I apply
bookmarks? Do I do this before inserting the fields, or is it something done
via fields.

Thank you so much.


macropod said:
Hi Dee,

I take it you're using coding based on the example from Column E. For your second and subsequent tables, you'd be better off
changing the SEQ field names and 'CellA' etc bookmarks. Otherwise, you'll have to delete the '/2' divisors for the second table,
which point you could run into problems with Word trying to use two copies of the same 'CellA' etc bookmarks. It gets even more
complicated if you go to three or more tables and try to reuse the SEQ fields and 'CellA' etc bookmarks.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Yes, I did examine the code. I then copied and pasted it into my table and
modified the * for - and it worked fine for the first table.

When it got to the 2nd table, it stopped working. I realize that I need to
add an r switch to get it to restart the numbering with 1, but when I try to
do this, I get a syntax error.

I then tried to start from scratch, but, again, syntax error. This is what
I did:

Insert menu, Field, Quote (which I am honestly not sure why using)
Ctrl F9
Type =b
Insert field - seq rownum
type -c
Insert field - seq rownum \c

I then hit F9 and get Syntax Error.

I'm obviously missing something and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.




Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you copy
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.




To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]


I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



I am wondering how I could have seen this? I was able to toggle the code,
but just saw part of this. Is there a trick to seeing all of the fields,
etc. that you so very kindly wrote out for me?

Also, what is the Quote field used for?

Thanks so very much for all of your help and patience!


macropod said:
Hi Dee,

The SEQ and SET fields create their own bookmarks. For the second and subsequent tables, you need to give these different names from
the names used in the first table. The field from Column E is presently coded as:
{Set CellA "a{={SEQ RowNr}/2}"}
{Set CellB "b{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set CellC "c{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={CellA}*{CellB}+{CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}
You need to change the 'CellA' , 'CellB', 'CellC' and 'RowNr' strings to something else for the 2nd table. For example:
{Set Tbl2CellA "a{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellB "b{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellC "c{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={Tbl2CellA}*{Tbl2CellB}+{Tbl2CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Thanks for your reply.

I guess I'm still not getting this. To which selection do I apply
bookmarks? Do I do this before inserting the fields, or is it something done
via fields.

Thank you so much.


macropod said:
Hi Dee,

I take it you're using coding based on the example from Column E. For your second and subsequent tables, you'd be better off
changing the SEQ field names and 'CellA' etc bookmarks. Otherwise, you'll have to delete the '/2' divisors for the second table,
which point you could run into problems with Word trying to use two copies of the same 'CellA' etc bookmarks. It gets even more
complicated if you go to three or more tables and try to reuse the SEQ fields and 'CellA' etc bookmarks.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Yes, I did examine the code. I then copied and pasted it into my table and
modified the * for - and it worked fine for the first table.

When it got to the 2nd table, it stopped working. I realize that I need to
add an r switch to get it to restart the numbering with 1, but when I try to
do this, I get a syntax error.

I then tried to start from scratch, but, again, syntax error. This is what
I did:

Insert menu, Field, Quote (which I am honestly not sure why using)
Ctrl F9
Type =b
Insert field - seq rownum
type -c
Insert field - seq rownum \c

I then hit F9 and get Syntax Error.

I'm obviously missing something and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.




Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you copy
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.




To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]


I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



Hi Dee,

It's easiest to see the whole field construction if you copy it out of the table and paste it into the body of the document. I
suggested this in an earlier post. The QUOTE field simply ties the others together.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
I am wondering how I could have seen this? I was able to toggle the code,
but just saw part of this. Is there a trick to seeing all of the fields,
etc. that you so very kindly wrote out for me?

Also, what is the Quote field used for?

Thanks so very much for all of your help and patience!


macropod said:
Hi Dee,

The SEQ and SET fields create their own bookmarks. For the second and subsequent tables, you need to give these different names
the names used in the first table. The field from Column E is presently coded as:
{Set CellA "a{={SEQ RowNr}/2}"}
{Set CellB "b{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set CellC "c{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={CellA}*{CellB}+{CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}
You need to change the 'CellA' , 'CellB', 'CellC' and 'RowNr' strings to something else for the 2nd table. For example:
{Set Tbl2CellA "a{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellB "b{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellC "c{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={Tbl2CellA}*{Tbl2CellB}+{Tbl2CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
Thanks for your reply.

I guess I'm still not getting this. To which selection do I apply
bookmarks? Do I do this before inserting the fields, or is it something done
via fields.

Thank you so much.



Hi Dee,

I take it you're using coding based on the example from Column E. For your second and subsequent tables, you'd be better off
changing the SEQ field names and 'CellA' etc bookmarks. Otherwise, you'll have to delete the '/2' divisors for the second
which point you could run into problems with Word trying to use two copies of the same 'CellA' etc bookmarks. It gets even
complicated if you go to three or more tables and try to reuse the SEQ fields and 'CellA' etc bookmarks.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Yes, I did examine the code. I then copied and pasted it into my table and
modified the * for - and it worked fine for the first table.

When it got to the 2nd table, it stopped working. I realize that I need to
add an r switch to get it to restart the numbering with 1, but when I try to
do this, I get a syntax error.

I then tried to start from scratch, but, again, syntax error. This is what
I did:

Insert menu, Field, Quote (which I am honestly not sure why using)
Ctrl F9
Type =b
Insert field - seq rownum
type -c
Insert field - seq rownum \c

I then hit F9 and get Syntax Error.

I'm obviously missing something and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.




Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.




To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]


I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.



Thank you!!! I had a few problems, but realized a couple of typos were made
and had to revise the formula a bit and the formatting, but it's working!

You just saved my skin! Thanks so much!



macropod said:
Hi Dee,

It's easiest to see the whole field construction if you copy it out of the table and paste it into the body of the document. I
suggested this in an earlier post. The QUOTE field simply ties the others together.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

dee said:
I am wondering how I could have seen this? I was able to toggle the code,
but just saw part of this. Is there a trick to seeing all of the fields,
etc. that you so very kindly wrote out for me?

Also, what is the Quote field used for?

Thanks so very much for all of your help and patience!


macropod said:
Hi Dee,

The SEQ and SET fields create their own bookmarks. For the second and subsequent tables, you need to give these different names
the names used in the first table. The field from Column E is presently coded as:
{Set CellA "a{={SEQ RowNr}/2}"}
{Set CellB "b{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set CellC "c{={SEQ RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={CellA}*{CellB}+{CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}
You need to change the 'CellA' , 'CellB', 'CellC' and 'RowNr' strings to something else for the 2nd table. For example:
{Set Tbl2CellA "a{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellB "b{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{Set Tbl2CellC "c{={SEQ Tbl2RowNr \c}/2}"}
{={Tbl2CellA}*{Tbl2CellB}+{Tbl2CellC} \# $,0.00;-$,0.00}}

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Thanks for your reply.

I guess I'm still not getting this. To which selection do I apply
bookmarks? Do I do this before inserting the fields, or is it something done
via fields.

Thank you so much.



Hi Dee,

I take it you're using coding based on the example from Column E. For your second and subsequent tables, you'd be better off
changing the SEQ field names and 'CellA' etc bookmarks. Otherwise, you'll have to delete the '/2' divisors for the second
which point you could run into problems with Word trying to use two copies of the same 'CellA' etc bookmarks. It gets even
complicated if you go to three or more tables and try to reuse the SEQ fields and 'CellA' etc bookmarks.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Yes, I did examine the code. I then copied and pasted it into my table and
modified the * for - and it worked fine for the first table.

When it got to the 2nd table, it stopped working. I realize that I need to
add an r switch to get it to restart the numbering with 1, but when I try to
do this, I get a syntax error.

I then tried to start from scratch, but, again, syntax error. This is what
I did:

Insert menu, Field, Quote (which I am honestly not sure why using)
Ctrl F9
Type =b
Insert field - seq rownum
type -c
Insert field - seq rownum \c

I then hit F9 and get Syntax Error.

I'm obviously missing something and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much.




Hi Dee,

Did you examine the field coding? To do so, select one of the fields and press Shift-F9. You might find it easier if you
field out of the table and paste it somewhere where the cell boundaries won't constrain the layout.

[MVP - Microsoft Word]

Hi there,

Yes, I had read you information today. I'm sorry, but I just don't grasp
how to incorporate a Seq field within my formula to reference the correct
relative address. (I'm blonde! :) )

My thought was to reference the row number, somehow having something like:

=a(seq field)-b(seq field)

I have a feeling I'm totally off base.

Any help (baby step-by-step) would be greatly appreciated.




To see how to do this, check out my Word Field Maths 'tutorial', at:
In particular, look at the item titled 'Relative Referencing In Tables'

[MVP - Microsoft Word]


I've found some guidance through the posts regarding "relative" cell
addresses within a table, but can't seem to figure out exactly how to input
the formula using the Seq field.

For example, say I have a table with 3 columns and 3 rows. I want to be
able to input a formula in cell C1 that will subtract A1-B1.

Using an absolute formula won't work, as I will be revising the table every
month. I had thought of embedding an Excel file, but for what I'm doing, it
isn't feasible.

Can anyone help with the exact syntax of how to achieve this? Every time I
try, I get a syntax error.


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