In message <
[email protected]> of Mon,
27 Oct 2008 04:03:02 in microsoft.public.word.mailmerge.fields, Matt
Heason said:
I am runing a basic mailmerge using an excel spreadsheet. one of the
mergefields has some instances that are over 43 words long. When this happens
the merged field in the final document is truncated at 43 words. How do I
control the length of the mergefield to allow all of the words to be
It might be a good thing to say what versions you are using.
This is a well known problem. I decided to demonstrate it in Office
2003. I constructed an excel file with the following data:
long field 12345678 2 2345678 3 ... 5678 a 2345 ... 5678 y 23456789z
i.e. I had a column called name and I had a field consisting of about
350 characters after the eighth line. The field was truncated at 254
characters in the merge output.
The fix is to put a dummy field of 255 or more bytes in the first eight
records. There is another fix which requires change of a registry datum
to alter the number eight, but I take no notice of that because it
affects all merges on a particular system.
Basically, office has short and long string type and office uses the
contents of the first eight excel rows to select between short and long
strings. A short string can hold 255 bytes but one gets lost somewhere
for technical reasons of which I care nothing - it is probable either a
count byte or a zero terminator.
To the astonishingly wonderful and patient MVPs who monitor this group:
why is their not an FAQ for this group?
I would have referred to the FAQ rather than constructing a problem
demonstration and fix if an FAQ existed.