Ho do I make my data series touch the axis?



I have made a combine chart showing bars and a trend line. I would lik ethe
trend line to touch the y-axis - and not just start at the middle of the
first bar.

How is that don?

And how do I specify the width of the bars? I want them to touch each other.

And how do I make my bars transparent? Somehow I cant activate the
transparency sliders on the fill effects menu.

Jon Peltier

In the trendline options, set the forecast to 0.5 units backwards and

The columns will touch if you set the gap width to zero (double click the
series, go to the Options tab).

You can't get true transparency in an Excel chart until Excel 2007. The
sliders are a placebo to make you envy your Mac user friends. John
Walkenbach shows a trick for earlier versions of Excel here:


- Jon

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