Hockey Player Ice Time tracking - Help



Good day,

Here is an unusual one. I need to keep track of up to 6 players at a time
(when they pull the goalie) for a whole game. The way I figure that it would
be the easiest is to have all the players name and associated number, then
have a Checkmark box associated with each players, when I put a checkmark in
the boxes (max 6) that would indicate that for the 5 players that have the
checkmark for access to start tracking time, however I also need to have a
global start and stop clock that actually follows the game clock on the wall
(that would be done manually, however when I start it, I need the database
to start calculating the time of those 5 players that have the checkmarked.

So theoritically, when the first line gets on the ice, I would check say 5,
9, 10, 23, 27. Then the referee drops the puck and I would start the global
clock, once the referres whistles again I would stop the global clock, when
the global clock stops the actual time would be stored for each of those 5
players, then if one or more players leave the ice on a shift change I just
have to remove the checkmark and at the next global time clock start, that
player's time would remain the same until I put another checkmark in his
checkbox the next time he goes on the ice (therefore the time associated
with each player would keep going up.

All of this time tracking needs to be segragated on one form by game periods
(Max of 5 periods of 20 Min, 3 regular and 2 overtime) and associated with a
Game number. I could then call a game up and see the stats for each of the
players ice time he or she received during that game.

Now that is the concept however it is way above my head to produce this. So
I am taking my chance at putting this post to see if
1. Someone might have something similar already created


2. Someone is willing to take the challenge on.

If you are willing, then drop me an e-mail @ ***[email protected]*** remove the

Bryan Martin

This sounds doable with one exception. How to you plan to sync the time in
the program with the time "on the wall". What about timeouts, halftime

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