Michael Gill
I am having trouble in getting my head round dates specifically employee
holiday dates where an employee has holidays booked for the year which are
added to and deleted from.
1. I need to allocate an allowance for existing and when sombody joins
calculated on the number of months left in the holiday year would i have a
seperate table tblHolidayEntitlement with(EmployeeID,Year,DaysEntitlement)
2. I need to report on holidays by departmemt which would be like a spread
sheet a column for date and for each employee in that department.
Would i have tblHolidays with (EmployeeID,Date) linked to tblEmployees which
is linked to tblDepartments and also link tblHolidays to tblDates(DateID
=01/01/2009 just being dates.
holiday dates where an employee has holidays booked for the year which are
added to and deleted from.
1. I need to allocate an allowance for existing and when sombody joins
calculated on the number of months left in the holiday year would i have a
seperate table tblHolidayEntitlement with(EmployeeID,Year,DaysEntitlement)
2. I need to report on holidays by departmemt which would be like a spread
sheet a column for date and for each employee in that department.
Would i have tblHolidays with (EmployeeID,Date) linked to tblEmployees which
is linked to tblDepartments and also link tblHolidays to tblDates(DateID
=01/01/2009 just being dates.