Holidays & all day events


Sue Hepler

Something got messed up with my calendar so that now all default holidays
and day long events that I enter show up as two day events. They show as
starting one day and ending the next. I can change the ending date manually
for each item, but that's ridiculous. There must be a master setting
somewhere that got messed up....I just can't find where. Please help??

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Did you change your system time?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After searching and finding no answer, Sue Hepler asked:

| Something got messed up with my calendar so that now all default
| holidays and day long events that I enter show up as two day events.
| They show as starting one day and ending the next. I can change the
| ending date manually for each item, but that's ridiculous. There
| must be a master setting somewhere that got messed up....I just can't
| find where. Please help??

Athena [MVP-Outlook]

That happens if the machine time zone setting is changed, or if you the daylight saving box is not checked. If you look closely at your other appointments, you'll probably find that they have been shifted too. Knowledge Base article 299600 ( describes the problem.

The first thng to do is to verify that you have the proper Daylight Saving setting for your time zone. If that is correct and your all-day events are wrong, you can fix holidays relatively easily -- just create a view that shows only holidays, delete them all then add them back. Fixing your other appointments takes more work. You can set the system time properly then export all the appointments to Excel, add or subtract and hour from the times then import them back in.

In general, it's a bad idea to fiddle with the timezone settings on your machine when you use the calender in Outlook. If it's a laptop and you travel, you should use the calendar option to add an additional time zone rather than changing the system clock.

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