Nevermind. It would be too much and too obvious for me to respond.
For the ones who do not get the point:
1. This group is not *officially* supported or monitored by Microsoft as it
is intended for peer-to-peer support.
2. If someone has homework to do, it would be *expected* that several
sources were used and referenced in any request for *support* (as these news
groups are clearly labelled), rather than a plea for an answer as was so
blatantly requested.
3. Microsoft provides support as it sees fit based on currently hot topic
issues. This forum, however, is provided for peer-to-peer support for
99.999% of problems encountered.
|| Asking for someone else to tell *you* what the differences are in a
|| news group is lazy. Re-read the original post - okay - here it is
|| quoted verbatim:
| (Not quite. You removed the part about Google Groups...)
That part is a part of my quote for newsgroups to point the poster at an
appropriate source in the future
Any thing else?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
After searching and finding no answer
ScottR <> asked:
| OK Here we go...
| On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 20:20:52 -0700, "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
|| 1. This is a news group referenced by Microsoft Product Support
|| Services, not Microsoft Homework Support Services.
| What is your point. The student was looking for answers to questions
| about Microsoft Office. Seems about right to me. Is there a
| "Microsoft Homework Support Services" group that would have been
| better suited?
|| 2. Microsoft does NOT monitor this news group. Occasionally
|| Microsoft engineers drop by from time to time on their own time to
|| post information here as their personal lives permit.
| Microsoft clearly DOES monitor this news group. They may not post on
| an official basis, however as a corporation they would be
| irresponsible to ignore. (If in no other aspect to observe/award the
| MVPs.)
|| 3. Asking if someone has done any basic research beyond asking in a
|| support news group is flaming??? Notice, the OP did not answer
|| about what research s/he had done while waiting for an answer from
|| someone else.
| Yes. Your response was antagonistic and demeaning. Basic research
| DOES EQUAL Asking questions
| Why should the OP justify ANYTHING to you after you shot down the
| first request?
|| I consider using a search engine such as or
|| or as research. Even using Microsoft Encarta would be a
|| start.
| The original poster did.
| If you look at the first message there is a clear reference to Google
| Groups. Almost certainly the OP had found the basic site already and
| was looking for additional informed input. (After all Microsoft does
| pay for top listing on the "Microsoft Office" search term.)
| I would suggest that some research was required to find this group, as
| last time I check it was not listed on
| Regarding Encarta, I checked my copy and could find no mention of
| comparative features between various Microsoft Office products. Are
| you sure this is a good place for a student to start? Assuming of
| course that the student, the school, or parents have paid for this
| program...
|| Asking for someone else to tell *you* what the differences are in a
|| news group is lazy. Re-read the original post - okay - here it is
|| quoted verbatim:
| (Not quite. You removed the part about Google Groups...)
|| Jessie Holdeman <
[email protected]> asked:
||| I have an assignment that I need to have a reply to a question that
||| I have posted and nobody has answered my question that I posted
||| earlier
||| so here it is again!!!
||| What are the major differences between Office 2000 and Office XP?
||| Does one really outweigh the other!?
||| Thank you for replying if you do so!!!!
| OK. Of the two questions asked, you did not get past the first.
| Clearly the second question asked the groups OPINION if one version is
| better.
|| Does the poster anywhere state that they have tried any resources on
|| their own? What sites does the poster indicate that they have
|| already searched or searched while waiting for an answer? What, if
|| any, information does the poster cite as information already found
|| and requires additional input?
| Yes. See my previous comment about Google.
| Again, why should the poster cite information back to you? Clearly,
| you were not inclined to help.
|| Sorry if this is offensive to you but too many students are used to
|| having their information handed to them rather than investing in
|| *research* that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their
|| lives.
| Bullsh*t. As stated in my first post. Asking questions in this
| newsgroup DOES equal research. If you are an authority on the
| product, as indicated by your MVP, you are making yourself available
| to such inquiries. Just because the student does not setup a test lab
| with several versions of Office running, does not mean that that
| research is being done. If you do not want to answer, or do not agree
| with the technique, don't respond.
|| I refuse to buy into the notion that if you ask it , someone will
|| supply it WITHOUT any effort on your own. Efforts on your own always
|| supply the greater reward.
| Then why on earth are you offering support in a support newsgroup???
| Is it a power trip? If the person does not ask in an obsequious
| manner, you will not help??? Now jump through the hoop... Why not
| just point everyont back to the Microsoft URL???
|| Just my personal $.02.
| Keep your change. It was not worth it.
|| --?
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| After searching and finding no answer
|| ScottR <> asked:
||| A little harsh on the response considering that this newsgroup is
||| referenced on the Office 2003 homepage don't you think???
||| Considering that this is a Microsoft newsgroup, monitored by
||| Microsoft, this just might be a good place to ask Microsoft Office
||| related questions. In
||| fact it might just be a good example of primary research. If you do
||| not want to answer the kid's question, go back in your cubical and
||| shut-up. No need to flame. People like you disgust me.
||| Jessie, If you have not already been there the Microsoft site at
||| would indeed be a good
||| start. However, do not forget to get some "non-Microsoft" opinions.
||| I would suggest,,
||| or any of the other Ziff-Davis
||| publications ( If you are really looking for
||| some in-depth information, you may try Forrester Research or the
||| GartnerGroup. You may be able to get student access to some date
||| (it
||| may take a phone call or two). Either source would help you
||| understand the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) issues around a company
||| upgrading from 200 to XP. I think you will find in some/most cases,
||| it does not pay to upgrade to subsequent versions.
||| On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 19:13:32 -0700, "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
|||| Have you tried doing this homework on your own by going to
|||| and exploring the information there? How
|||| about for a more technical explanation?
|||| No one is going to give you a free ride in this world - might as
|||| well learn this lesson early and remember it.
|||| It is YOUR homework, not ours to do FOR you.
|||| While you were waiting for someone to do this research for you and
|||| not finding it done, how much did you do for yourself?
|||| --?
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|||| After searching and finding no answer
|||| Jessie Holdeman <
[email protected]> asked:
||||| I have an assignment that I need to have a reply to a question
||||| that
||||| I have posted and nobody has answered my question that I posted
||||| earlier
||||| so here it is again!!!
||||| What are the major differences between Office 2000 and Office XP?
||||| Does one really outweigh the other!?
||||| Thank you for replying if you do so!!!!