"Horizontal" list box???


Kamil Dursun


I use a home made accounting system. I am developing this myself because I learn about the nitty-gritties of Access while doing this.

I am trying to make a budget table. I have some periods (not necessarily 12, can be 10 can be 13) and a number of accounts.

I have a one dimensional table where each record contains data on account Number, period, debit and credit.

I want to represent this table in a two dimensional form where the account numbers are on the left and periods on the top. This is kind of a pivot table or crosstab.

However neither of these views allow me to enter data.

Can anybody recommend me a good way of doing this?


Jeff Boyce


What you describe sounds very much like a spreadsheet. Are you certain that
you need to use Access to do this?

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