If this is an OS pre-Windows XP, then it may be the OS hogging memory.
Although Windows 2000 wasn't too bad at memory management, it is nothing
like as good as Windows XP's memory management.
However, it may also be worth checking other applications that you use
regularly as it isn't a rare problem for some apps to hog memory. A couple
that come the mind are earlier versions of Free Hand and Photoshop.
: Hi Terry,
: Thanks. It's a strange thing, because it's been very consistent and I
: experienced for years. Have you ever come across this problem. My
: (at the office) was recently upgraded to 760 MB RAM, so I'm sure the
: is not the issue. But since you mention it, it could be that it starts
: happening after I've left the computer on for many days without
: Maybe the system cache is full. I'll look into a better graphics card for
: home computer. Thanks for the tip.
: Kamran.
: "TF" wrote:
: > Kamran
: >
: > I would guess that your graphics is lacking in memory. Are you using a
: > computer with integrated graphics sharing system memory? If so, when you
: > have all these apps open, the graphics is having to release some of the
: > shared memory back to the system. Installing more memory may help, but a
: > better graphics card with its own memory would be a better solution.
: >
: > --
: > Terry Farrell - Word MVP
: >
: > : > : I'm using Word 2002 and I've had this same problem in previous
versions as
: > : well. VERY frequently as I have several Word documents open (and
maybe a
: > : couple of other applications), the horizontal ruler becomes inactive.
: > : can't click on it to set tabs or margins, usually also retaining the
: > partial
: > : image of another screen. To correct this I have to minimize and
: > and
: > : sometimes I have to restart the whole application to normalize it.
: > : the solution to this?
: >
: >
: >