horizontal stacked bar graphs


Geert Claus

I'm not sure if is the right place to post this question... please tell me
if there is a more appropriate group.

Who can help me find a software-tool that allows me to draw horizontal
stacked bar graphs, representing the planning
of my personnel, and retrieving data from my oracle database .

The graph should look like this :
Y-axis : Names of personnel
X-axis : time-bar, showing planned projects for each personnel-member. Each
project has its own colour, name of
project should be printed inside the bar.

Available data :

master table 'personnel' with a 1-n relation to child table 'projects'

personnel : - Name
projects : - name of project
- start date
- end date
- colour (RGB-value)

if necessary, data can be extracted into a text-file.

Mike From Stormwatch

Hi Geert -

My company, Visual Mining, has an example of this kind of chart:


Although the above is a relatively simple example, if you download an
evaluation copy of the NetCharts Server product, you can find
additional examples in the Examples section. And, FWIW, it does
provide direct access to many data sources, including Oracle and

Best of luck


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