Horizontally layered triangle shape



I want to make a triangle with 5 even horizontal bands to show the hierarchy
of documents in a unified system (ISO 9000). I can draw the triangle and the
horizontal lines but cannot get them to be a single object. I also tried to
build it up with a triangle at the top on increasingly larger trapazodial
shapes below the top triangle, but I cannot change a rectangle into a
trapazoid. Any suggestions would be approciated. Also I want a smaller
version of banded triangle to place in each document to show where it fits in
the hierarchy.

John Marshall, MVP

Use the pencil tool to create a triangle and then draw horizontal lines that
extend beyond the edges of the triangle at the edges of each band. The
length of the lines is not important, just that they extend beyond the
edges. Select the triangle and the horizontal lines and choose Shape -->
Operations --> Fragment from the main menu. If you had two horizontal lines
you will end up with three shapes (the top triangle, the middle band and the
bottom band) You can then group the three shapes into a single shape. Each
subshape can be a different colour and contain text.

John... Visio MVP

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John Marshall, MVP

A tip for easily creating the five bands.

Create a line longer than the base of the triangle and duplicate it five
times. Select the six lines and use the "Distribute Shapes" from the Shape
menu to evenly space the lines. Group the six lines. Move this new shape so
that the bottom is over the base of the triangle. Stretch the top of the
shape so that it coincides with the top of the triangle. Select the new
shape and triangle and then fragment.

John... Visio MVP

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