I want to make a triangle with 5 even horizontal bands to show the hierarchy
of documents in a unified system (ISO 9000). I can draw the triangle and the
horizontal lines but cannot get them to be a single object. I also tried to
build it up with a triangle at the top on increasingly larger trapazodial
shapes below the top triangle, but I cannot change a rectangle into a
trapazoid. Any suggestions would be approciated. Also I want a smaller
version of banded triangle to place in each document to show where it fits in
the hierarchy.
of documents in a unified system (ISO 9000). I can draw the triangle and the
horizontal lines but cannot get them to be a single object. I also tried to
build it up with a triangle at the top on increasingly larger trapazodial
shapes below the top triangle, but I cannot change a rectangle into a
trapazoid. Any suggestions would be approciated. Also I want a smaller
version of banded triangle to place in each document to show where it fits in
the hierarchy.