I took you to three different places: I was describing Word 2004.
1) Go to the Tools menu and choose Templates and Add-ins...
What is the name of the Document Template shown in that window? That's the
template that Word will look in first for AutoText entries. If it is
something other than Normal template, it gives you an extra round of
possible problems.
2) Now you can go to Insert>AutoText>AutoText (note, AutoText twice...)
If the "Look In" field there is set to anything other than "All Active
Templates", Word will not see AutoText entries in any other template. That
setting is stored with the document and persists from editing session to
editing session.
3) If you go to Insert>AutoText (only one AutoText...) you see a different
display. There are two levels of fly-out menus. The first lists the style
names for which AutoText entries have been stored in the Current
Customisation Context (i.e. In the Template nominated in the "Look In" field
of step 2.
The second fly out lists the autotext entries defined for the style chosen
in the first. Now THIS is what I regard to be the truly "horrible" part of
the new AutoText interface. It was supposed to make it easier for us by
showing only the AutoText entries appropriate to the style under the
insertion point at the time.
Instead, it wastes a lot of yours and my time and leads to hundreds of "I
can't find my AutoText" queries in here. But they won't take it away
because they think it's "easier".
Yet again, they have attempted to hide complexity from us, and in doing so
have made the product difficult to use. Anyone who used WordPerfect will
tell you that the average secretary could remember hundreds of really
complex codes to be typed in the document to solve various problems. Yes,
it was complicated, but because it was all right there in front of your
face, users soon learned the techniques and used the product with great
skill. More than half of the users who had greater than three years
experience with WordPerfect were at an 'Expert' user level.
The designers of Microsoft Word decided to make things "easy" by simplifying
the user interface to show only the simplistic functions used by people who
basically have failed to learn to use ANY word-processor. Since the detail
is now hidden, those users are prevented from getting any better! You can't
learn what you can't see! As a result, 80 per cent of Word users are now
incapable of using the product effectively for "basic" word processing.
Less than one per cent can reliably produce a long document with it. I
don't think that's a great advance for science.
Although it does enable ME to charge fat fees as a consultant
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Unfortunately, my AutoText window is not as you describe it. I see a
number of AutoComplete options in the top half of the window, and in the
bottom half is a box labeled "Enter AutoText Entries Here:". Inside the
box is a text field, a list of entries, a preview box, a "look in"
template pulldown menu, and add, delete, insert, and "show toolbar"
buttons. I'm using Word 2004.
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410