Host for Exchange Server and GoodLink



Is it fair for me to ask for a recommendation here for a host for Exchange
Server and GoodLink (or whatever Good is calling it now)? We're a small
company and I, as CEO, am still doing this myself, but we're looking at
massive growth very soon.


Hi Chigongman,

There are a number of different companies that host Good Mobile
Messaging (GoodLink). In Europe there are Fasthosts, EMS and Backbone
in the U.S. there are a load of them including Intermedia.Net,
Mailstreet, etc.




I know there are firms. I'm looking to get a recommendation of who is at the
top for reliability and service. I've spoken with The Message Center
( and they look good but are quick to be insulting
that they don't have time to talk with small clients. I also spoke with
MailStreet ( and they seem really knowledgeable and
remarkably open to supporting the customer with setup time, but a search on
Google turned up a less than reassuring thread at the top of the list at

So, I thought asking here would be a good idea.

Maybe another good question I could ask is how much I need the host to walk
me through initial setup when I'm brand new at using Exchange, versus being
able to get the learning curve done just as well with forums and the like.
I'm a very busy entrepeneur with little time for this, and I need it done
right the first time.



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