Uncle Joe
What do you make of this blurb from my host?
MS FrontPage tech. support policies
2MHost.com offers a tool in cPanel to allow users to install/uninstall
front page extensions. Users may install as many as they need. Due to
recent problems resulting from bad installations of MS FP on users'
computer, un-stable windows installations, viruses, etc. 2MHost will
now follow the following steps in FP technical support:
1. User will be informed upon placing order that FP may be stopped if
the FP FTP client is used to upload files. (FrontPage uses a special
structure of files and folders, so the FP FTP may destroy the default
file structure on your account.) We will not support FP for clients if
we learn they use the FP FTP. In addition, .htaccess files (used
usually in protected folders) also affect FP, we will not check FP
problems if users are using .htaccess files.
2. We will test user account from local computer with latest
edition/service pack of windows XP home edition, If we can contact to
the account using our FP, then we will forward the user to visit
Microsoft direct help channels.
How am I supposed to maintain/upload files using FP2003 if I can't use
MS FrontPage tech. support policies
2MHost.com offers a tool in cPanel to allow users to install/uninstall
front page extensions. Users may install as many as they need. Due to
recent problems resulting from bad installations of MS FP on users'
computer, un-stable windows installations, viruses, etc. 2MHost will
now follow the following steps in FP technical support:
1. User will be informed upon placing order that FP may be stopped if
the FP FTP client is used to upload files. (FrontPage uses a special
structure of files and folders, so the FP FTP may destroy the default
file structure on your account.) We will not support FP for clients if
we learn they use the FP FTP. In addition, .htaccess files (used
usually in protected folders) also affect FP, we will not check FP
problems if users are using .htaccess files.
2. We will test user account from local computer with latest
edition/service pack of windows XP home edition, If we can contact to
the account using our FP, then we will forward the user to visit
Microsoft direct help channels.
How am I supposed to maintain/upload files using FP2003 if I can't use