Hosting Tournament, need formula.



Ok, Here's my story.

I am currently hosting a tournament among friends which are split into
different groups (32 people, 8 groups of 4). Anyway I am making a
spreadsheet to make it all 'easier.'

Using Excel 2002


FORMULA FOR R4 IS: =IF(M4=\"\",\"\",IF(M4>Q4,K4,P4))
FORMULA FOR S4 IS: =IF(R4=\"\",\"\",IF(R4=K4,P4,K4))

Ok, here's my problem.
If a Draw was to happen, the R4 field will always give me the P4 Field
and the S4 field will make the K4 value be entered.

I want to know if there is a way that says something like, if M4=Q4
then label it a draw, yet still keeping the If M4 > Q4 then label the
K4 as the winner.


I am not sure why the dashes so re add them if your version of excel needs
try in R4

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