hot spots and mouse rollover, I think?



I want to put a picture of a piece of furniture on a web page and as the
mouse rolls over different spots of thew piece of furniture i want it to
bring up a small picture of that section enlarged or some text about the
detail or both....How would i do this in FP 2002....I know how to create hot
spots.. and i know how to do dynamic HTML to swap pictures...but how would i
do what I am describing so that each hot spot would produce a different image
when rolled over


Paul C said:
Here are some tooltip generators you might be able to modify for your needs

Paul M

Paul, THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST>>> I was able to make use of the first post and get it to work for what i needed to do...I have one question...I am not very familiar with java script or html for that matter....I would like the text in the pop up boxes to be centered rather than aligned left...I have tried to change it with regular html but have been unsuccessful what would the code look like and where would I insert it

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