hotmail automatically save all sent messages



I am sorry there is no hotmail discussion group so I was hoping someone would
be able to help me in this group.

Prior to sending a message, I have to click on the box at the bottom of the
message window in order to save the message. However invariably I will
forget to check the box on the messages that I later need to review. Is
there a way to have the box prechecked all the time. Or is there a way to
review all messages sent that I am not aware of?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

is this in outlook or in the web browser?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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This is on the Web Browser, I do not go through Outlook at all to get to it.

Diane Poremsky said:
is this in outlook or in the web browser?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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Brian Tillman

inthestands said:
This is on the Web Browser, I do not go through Outlook at all to get
to it.

This is not an appropriate forum for Hotmail questions. I'm sure MSN has
forums for that.


Thank you Mr. Tillman for bringing what I mentioned in my orginal post to my
attention. Certainly you read my post rather than just respond to the
subject. As noted, (assuming you did not read my post so I will repeat it) I
was not able to locate the proper forum for my question. If you are aware
(and not just assume) of such a forum, I would appreciate you directing me to
it so I can obtain the answer to my question. Otherwise, please do not
waste your time (which you appear to have a lot of) by posting a response to
my reply.

Brian Tillman

inthestands said:
Thank you Mr. Tillman for bringing what I mentioned in my orginal
post to my attention. Certainly you read my post rather than just
respond to the subject. As noted, (assuming you did not read my post
so I will repeat it) I was not able to locate the proper forum for my
question. If you are aware (and not just assume) of such a forum, I
would appreciate you directing me to it so I can obtain the answer
to my question. Otherwise, please do not waste your time (which you
appear to have a lot of) by posting a response to my reply.

I'm not an MSN member and so cannot tell you that. Writing to MSN's support
address may be a good place to start. Would you ask your auto mechanic
questions about your health because you don't know your doctor's phone
number? Asking a question about how Hotmail works in an Outlook forum is
just as pointless.

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